210-858- 7783

Good Morning Sunshine

Good Morning Sunshine

Project Details

Number of Schools : 1 Public School (Pilot Project)

Location:  MGHS, Thumpamon,Kerala,India

Contact Information: Mojes Mathew

Current Budget (Annual) : $ 3000 per school

UN Sustainable Development Goals  that are addressed: Quality Education, No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Reduced Inequalities

Project Start Date: 1/1/2018

Abraham Thomas
Anil Arakkal
Jaison Jacob
Sajith Sam


Public schools in India provide hot lunch for students as an incentive for parents to send children to school and continue their education.  This program has benefited many families across India. However, there are many children who come to school with an empty stomach. This not only affect their health but also their learning ability during first half of the day.


I-Believe Advisor Mojes Mathew happened to hear the story of one such school in his home town in Kerala where approximately 30 students will benefit from a healthy breakfast. We worked with Mr. Roy, a teacher at the school to estimate the cost for this project. It is estimated, we will need Rs. 30 (50 cents) per student a day totaling to Rs.900 a day ($15 a day).

This is our wishlist for this public school

The primary goal of this project is to identify kids who come with an empty stomach and provide them a healthy breakfast so that they start the day just like all of us. Once this problem is taken care of, our team will look into more items such as:

  1. Identify other needs that prevents proper functioning of the school
  2. Communication training in English
  3. Computer education

How to get involved with this project?

We want to support more public schools, provide more scholarships, empower more children, give more families security during the difficult times and change their lives in a sustainable way. We believe success should be measured by the lives we change. But we can’t do it without you, so we’re asking you to get involved. Please use the buttons below to explore ways you can support our projects and join us in our mission.

December 18, 2017 by wpdev 0 comments

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