HomeHeadlinesMetallica donates 250,000 Euros for children’s hospital in Bucharest
Metallica donates 250,000 Euros for children’s hospital in Bucharest
World renowned American heavy metal band Metallica recently
announced a donation of 250,000 Euros to a Romanian non-profit organization
Daruieste Viata that will go towards building the country’s first Pediatric
Oncology and Radiotherapy Hospital. The announcement was made just prior to the
band’s sold out concert in Bucharest.
“The donation made by Metallica has a special meaning to
our project. On one hand, their music inspires and touches so many Romanians,
and at the same time so many Romanians are inspired by and contribute to the
establishing of the first Pediatric Oncology and Radiotherapy Hospital in
Romania, in order to give children with cancer a chance to live,” said
Carmen Uscatu, President of Daruieste Viata Association.
Like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the US, the Romanian pediatric hospital will also be funded exclusively by donors. The estimated date of launch is set for the end of 2020.
Metallica donates 250,000 Euros for children’s hospital in Bucharest
World renowned American heavy metal band Metallica recently announced a donation of 250,000 Euros to a Romanian non-profit organization Daruieste Viata that will go towards building the country’s first Pediatric Oncology and Radiotherapy Hospital. The announcement was made just prior to the band’s sold out concert in Bucharest.
“The donation made by Metallica has a special meaning to our project. On one hand, their music inspires and touches so many Romanians, and at the same time so many Romanians are inspired by and contribute to the establishing of the first Pediatric Oncology and Radiotherapy Hospital in Romania, in order to give children with cancer a chance to live,” said Carmen Uscatu, President of Daruieste Viata Association.
Like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the US, the Romanian pediatric hospital will also be funded exclusively by donors. The estimated date of launch is set for the end of 2020.
Read more here: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/3441/Metallica-Helps-Build-Romania-039-s-First-Children-039-s-Hospital
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